Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Dear Avery,

Today is a monumental day in history. It is the day Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States of America.

Normally I try not to let you watch too much TV. Today you are feeling a bit under the weather and we have been on the couch all morning watching the inauguration. I made no effort to turn you away from the television like I usually do. I know you won't remember this and I know you can't understand it yet. But someday you will proud that you witnessed it.

I've never been very big into politics. I've see a lot of presidents come and go. I hate to admit this, but I never really cared all that much. I turned the channel when the president spoke. It was boring. I wasn't interested in what he had to say because he was never speaking to me.

Today was different. Not only was I watching and paying attention and letting you watch with me, but I had real tears rolling down my face. Tears of joy. Tears of hope. Tears of pride. He was speaking to me. He was speaking to you. And I was listening.

Of all the things I used to teach my 1st graders, the story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was my absolute favorite. He was a hero. He still is a hero. I had the privilege of witnessing his dream coming to life in my classroom every single year. Friendship and kindness and love existed beyond any boundaries. Innocent hearts know no color. Barack Obama wasn't elected because he is black. He was elected because he is good.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for the future. I have a dream for the future too. I have a dream for your future. 

Like so many others, I dream for a better tomorrow.

Barack Obama's America is the one I dream for you. I am so proud to share this day with you.


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